tyre shredding plant
Location: United Kingdom

Manufacturer: Other


Tyre Shredding Recycling Plant:


The used tyre shredding recycling plant is complete and in good condition and can

be seen working and is available immediately ex site UK.

Consisting of a commercial tyre de beader, in feed conveyor twin shaft pre

shredder, intermediate conveyor, 4 shaft shredder, out feed conveyor and magnet

the plant produces a 20 mm 90% steel free product for the equestrian market.

The 4 shaft machine has recently been fitted with a new screen and the plant is

ready to dismantle and transported to its new home.

All sections of the plant are in good condition and are ready to go straight to work,

the manufacturers stated throughput is in the region of 1,000 Kg to 5,000 Kg per


99.9% of the wire is removed during the shredding process.

Price: 240 ,000

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