Hot bitumen tanker
Location: China

Manufacturer: Other

Detailed introduction

The tank is used for highway asphalt transportation as a movable asphalt heating station or used together with the gravel sealing machine and mixing machine for asphalt mixture. The tank trailer can be used mainly for transportation or heating. Custom production of performance

Product characteristics

1.Very high heat efficiency saving energy.Direct heating with thermotube (superconducting) with very small thermal loss.Thermotube (superconducting) heating element is that with very high heat transfer rate and the thermal resistance being nearly zero.

2.Heating speed. It can meet the real-time engineering requirement and heat a small quantity of high-temperature asphalt for highway maintenance in a short time and can also supply high-temperature asphalt of a certain quantity to the mixing machine for asphalt mixture continuously. The time for the first yield of high-temperature asphalt is about 30 minutes.

3. Compacted structure integrating five functions. Integrating the functions including storage, dehydration and heating, combustion and heating, transportation and piping system preheat and so on. It has become one movable station for finished asphalt production.

4.Automatic control, regulative temperature and simple operation.

5.The strong anti-fouling capability of the heat transfer surface, less maintenance and long life.

6.Pumping jet flow perturbation of asphalt for asphalt heating with uniform heating.

7.Green equipment without pollution with the Ringelmann index being grade “I”.

8.The tank is manufactured for container transportation.


It complies with the convention on the International Transport of Goods under TIR.

Price: ask for price

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