BENZ DUMP TRUCKS 2 UNITS >>> 4143, 4148 >>> YR: 2003, 2009 >>> GREEN & SILVER COLOUR >>> FOR SALE
Location: Singapore

Manufacturer: BELL

ARETE TRADING provide you best quality equipment with competitive prices and above all with flexile payment terms for real good quality Machines. We offer an aggressive approach towards extensive product line with an experience and active staff to support all of your heavy equipment needs from any of our Singapore, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Australia, USA, locations. Arete is committed and capable to meet the highest standards and expectations of our customers and provide high level services that our customer deserves. Aretes sales department is available for you 24 hour and 7 days a week, to make sure that respected customer can get instant answers to all their inquiries and they get desired equipment needs. Arete is utilizing its own servers to keep a constant Inventory of the most requested machinery. We are using new technology to make our services better for you. Whether you need a Crane, a Wheel Loader, an Excavator, Bulldozer, Road roller, Dump TRUCK, or any kind of used Engine or Mixer Trucks, you’ll get first rate Assistance from our highly motivated and experienced staff. Whenever you want we are ready to assist you Anywhere, Anytime

Price: 254548500000

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