Used Dynapac road roller, Dynapac CA25 rollers
Location: China

Manufacturer: DYNAPAC

Used Dynapac road roller, Dynapac CA25 rollers Detailed information: DYNAPAC CA25 Year:1998 Price:13000$ Serial NO. 12175 Weight:10 ton, when vibratory it gives 25 ton. Good engine,no oil leakage. Enclosed cabin,very well. We also provide you other Road Rollers DYNAPAC Dynapac CA25, Dynapac CA30 BOMAG BW212D-2,BW219D-2 We are Continuously supplying Static Road Rollers, Dynapac CC21,CA25D, CA30D, CA25, CA30, Bomag 213,217D-2, 219D-2 road rollers and Ingersoll Rand road roller If you are in demand, please do not hestiate to let me know Contact: Lenny MOB:+86 158 0080 2908 skype:machinery1314

Price: 13000

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