Used komatsu motor grader, komatsu GD623 graders
Location: China

Manufacturer: KOMATSU

Used komatsu motor grader, komatsu GD623 graders Description: KOMATSU GD623A Serial NO. 30027 Year:2000 Price:34000$ Original made in JAPAN. Very good engine and hydraulic system. New tires,works speedly. Other motor graders are in stock KOMATSU: GD605R-1, GD605R-2, GD511-3,GD623 CATERPILLAR: 12G, 120G,14G, 140, 140G, 120H, 140H Any further information please contact us and we will give you a prompt reply. Contacts: Lenny MOB:+86 158 0080 2908 skype:machinery1314

Price: 34000

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