bulldozer for sale
Location: China

Manufacturer: Other

if u need other capacity ones,please contact us: easttechs at gmail dot com Specification\Blade Type Straight-tilt Angle U-type R-blade Coal blade Min.ground clearance(mm) 405 405 405 513 405 Ground pressure(MPa) 0.077 0.077 0.078 0.041 0.078 Min.turning radius(m) 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.8 3.3 Gradeability(°) 30 30 30 30 30 Track gauge(mm) 2000 2000 2000 2250 2000 Dozing capacity(m3) 6.4 4.7 7.5 10.2 9 Efficiency(Theoretical value in 40m)(m3 /h) 330 245 365 413 450 Blade width(mm) 3725 4365 3800 4160 4200


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