aerial work platform truck
Location: China

Manufacturer: Other

工作台/Platform 吊钩/Hook 最大额定载荷/Max rated load 200kg 最大起吊高度/Max lifting height 7.3m 最大作业半径/Max working radius 6.5m 最大起吊重量/Max lifting weight 1000kg 最大作业高度/Max working height 14m 外形尺寸/Dimensions 6400x1890x3110mm 支腿/Out rigger leg 横向跨距/Lateral span 2750mm 臂架/Boom 调整/Adjustment 单独可调/spearate adjustment 型式/Model 折臂式/articulating boom lift 上臂最大升角/Max upper boom lifting angle 70° 底盘/Chassis 底盘型号/Chassis Model JX1060TSG23 下臂最大升角/Max lower boom lifting angle 70° 发动机型号/Engine Type JX493ZLQ3 发动机功率/Engine Power 67.6kw/3600r/min 回转角度/Rotation angle 360° 乘员人数/person capacity 5

Price: 30883

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